Usually a summer staple, make this Classic French Tomato Tart topped with Burrella® using full bodied Winter Tomatoes and eat when still warm - perfect for a cold December night.

JULIENNE BRUNO Burrella - Vegan Cheese
6 large ripe tomatoes
2 tsp salt
1 vegan dough
2 tbsp grain mustard
2 tbsp bread crumbs
1 onion
fresh herbs
olive oil
freshly ground pepper
- Start by preheating the oven to 220c. Roll the dough onto baking paper then evenly spread a thin layer of grain mustard on the bottom. Sprinkle with salt and breadcrumbs.
- Slice the tomatoes and place a single even layer over the mustard in a circular arrangement, in the middle of the dough - leaving a border to envelope at the end. Place cut onion on top of the tomatoes and drizzle with oil, honey, salt, and herbs. Gather the edges of the pastry to envelope the tomatoes and brush the edges with oil. Place in the oven for around 30 minutes or until the tomatoes are tender and the tart has nicely browned.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool before placing the Burrella® in the centre. Dress with fresh herbs and drizzle the Burrella® with olive oil, salt and pepper.
- Enjoy!